Monday, October 4, 2010

Rapper 50 Cent Defends 'Gay' Comments - BV Black Spin

50 cent defends gay comments
Hip-hop celeb 50 Cent is stressful to pick up the dingy little sexual remarks he tweeted last Thursday. The rapper, who is known for having diarrhea of the mouth, tweeted the following on Twitter:"If you a man and your over 25 and you don't eat pu**y just kill your self damn it. The earth will be a best place. Lol." Many are questioning whether 50 Cent was gay bashing in his statement.

You would mean the controversial commentator would end here, but, no, he had more to say:"Ok ok I actually need a b**w job damn what's amiss with that. just leave me a little licky licky. Lol. Look I'm a respectable person I don't ask for much. I deserve a little oral bobbing on my b*ll sack. I do everything better when I'm relaxed. Lol." It seems as if the rapper might have had too much idle time on his hands. And it's no secret that final year, a charwoman was allegedly beaten at his massive Connecticut mansion after she refused to orally service one of 50 Cent's employees. The woman, a dancer in one of 50 Cent's videos, managed to use pepper spray on her accuser, 28-year-old Dwayne McKenzie, run like heck and call police. She sustained a head gash that required nine staples. The 35-year-old entrepreneur has tried to keep face by addressing his explicit tweet: "Somehow they turned a mere joke about oral sex into a [sic] anti gay statement. I make aught against people who take an alternative lifestyle in fact I've publicly stated my mom loved women. It's queer how people think negative statements are news suitable but positive statements are not worthy of coverage." British singer-songwriter Will Young, who is openly gay, re-tweeted 50 Cent's comments to his following and added his own bit of snark."50 Cent. He is (a) nice man isn't he." Unfortunately, 50 Cent's comments were made on the heels of the tragic Tyler Clementi story. The 18-year-old Rutgers University freshman took his own life after roommate Dharun Ravi and fellow student Molly Wei filmed him during a sexual play with another man.

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