"Congratulations 50 Cent: YOU REALLY bastards BECAUSE HAVE RIDICULE WHAT HAPPENS IN JAPAN!" a 50 Cent fans said in twitter.
(World News) - Rapper who named 50 Cent hit the rock because he could not `hold your mouth`. When the devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, Cent had time to publish the phrase `inappropriate` in Twitter account. Therefore, Cent finally had to apologize.
Regretthe rapper expressed through social networking the same time, bywriting, "Some of what I said is very stupid, I do so in shock. Youmay hate or love, I have both."
Friday(3/11) yesterday, after a calamity to shake Japan, 50 Cent had timeto write, "This is very serious, I had to evacuate all the female fromLA, Hawaii, and Japan. I get to do it. LOL." Then, Cent wrote again, "The waves will come at 8 am and the boys (skin) that crazy white will try surfing."
Hiscomments, some fans went straight protest and write, "50 Cent is reallyinsensitive and stupid. How can someone with a calamity like thisjoke?" An other Twitter users also wrote. "Congratulations 50 Cent: YOU REALLY bastards BECAUSE HAVE RIDICULE WHAT HAPPENED IN JAPAN!"
The apology apparently the rapper is however not satisfying the fans who had already disappointed him. "Ihope he donates some of his money because nothing is peculiar with hiswords. AOL reported that 10,000 people lost their lives. Although he wastold what the reason, it is however not appropriate because there arepeople who missed their lives. What if she had a relation or anacquaintance there who miss their lives? " one irate fans said. Incoming search terms for the article:
- 50 cent is stupid
- 50 cent stupid
- 50 cent stupid twitter
- 50 cent and his stupid comments
- what did 50 cent say on twitter about japan
- what did 50 cent say on twitter
- stupid world news
- stupid 50 cent twitters
- response to 50 cent comment to japan
- poenstar tsunami japan
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